Sunday, May 15, 2011

Come all you weary.

At the moment I am sick. With an awful cold. Yuk. All weekend I have spent almost all of my time in my room, trying to recover; armed with cough drops, hot tea and vaporub. So, this gives me a lot of time to myself.


The work that all of the volunteers do here is tough. It is rewarding, but it is not easy. At the end of some days, I have zero energy left, it has all been sucked out. I get worn out: mentally with constantly trying to interpret and talk to the kids here. Physically playing with them, carrying the younger ones, soccer on a hot day is tiring. And emotionally thinking about what some of the kids have been through and giving so much love to them.

In regards to my body and my health and being sick, I feel exhausted. My body is working overtime trying to heal. This makes me remember all the times I have felt spiritually weary. This happens both at home and in Peru.

Everyone gets burnt out, and at some point, everyone feels drained. This feeling has been frequent lately. Sometimes I don't have the energy to go on, to serve anymore.

But (thank goodness there is always a but)

'Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.' - Matthew 11:28

Sometimes to world tells us that we have to have it all together to be a Christian. That we have to sort everything out and be perfect to follow God.
But we don't.
Jesus didn't come to earth for the healthy, he came for the sick (Luke 5:31). A healthy man doesn't go to a doctor, because he doesn't need to. We are all sick, and all need God.
Humans are human. That means we are not perfect. No one can do it on their own. God is here for us, here to lighten our burdens, to carry them for us.
We need to admit that we are sick, that what we are carrying is too heavy for us, and we need help. By admitting this to God, He begins to heal us.

But we can only be healed if we are willing to ask for help.
He won't carry our burdens unless we want Him to.

And then, we will have rest for our souls.

On a side note:
I know this really awesome guy who introduces me to really good music. As I wrote this post I listened to this song. You should too.

P.S. extra points for spotting the Narnia reference.

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